Scum Name: The Terran Gauntlet Scum Creator: Pyro # of players: 4 Description: One person is Terran. The other 3 are Protoss with rescuable Zerg (making them Protoss and Zerg) and are allied against the Terran player. The Terran player has control of most of the map, and also has map revealers all over. He also starts out with tons of units (TONS :), but no buildings and no upgrades. The Protoss and Zerg players start out with a Nexus, a Hatchery, and a probe to get rescue the Hatchery. They each get 150 ore. They have a choice of building Templars, Zealots, Dragoons, Defilers, Hydralisks, Ultralisks, and Reavers. Each of those units costs 50 ore except Reavers, which cost 100 ore. So the players can build any 3 of those units each. (Archons are disabled) They can not get more minerals. Now the thing that gives the Protoss and Zerg players a chance is that their units are VERY powerful. The Zealots have 2000 shields, 100 HP, and do 100 damage a shot. Dragoons have 1500 shields, 100 HP, and do 80 damage a shot, etc. All magic spells cost 30 mp, except Hallucination. Hallucination costs 25 mp. The Protoss and Zerg players must "run the gauntlet". The Terran player has traps, such as ambushes and spider mines. Their objective is to kill Jim Raynor (Marine). The Terran's objective is to kill all of the enemies' units and keep Jim Raynor alive. Unit Stats: Zealot = 2000 shields, 100 HP, 1 armor, 50 damage x2 (2 pokes each time :), 1 attack bonus Dragoon = 1500 shields, 100 HP, 1 armor, 80 damage, 1 attack bonus High Templar = 1000 shields, 100 HP, 1 armor Reaver = 1000 shields, 100 HP, 0 armor, 150 damage, 1 attack bonus (Scarabs build instantly and are FREE) Hydralisk = 1750 HP, 1 armor, 70 damage, 1 attack bonus Ultralisk = 1500 HP, 1 armor, 125 damage, 1 attack bonus Defiler = 1000 HP, 0 armor Credits: Blizzard for making StarEdit and Starcraft :) Tellurian (also for helping with trigger ideas), zknuP (extra thanks to him too), Deathkoil, Karloth, -=Badboy=-, Mindwacker, and Ferryman for helping me test and balance this scum. I got the idea for this scum from a War2 pud made by Jonny*. It was pretty similar to this. Except in the pud, the guy in control of the map had buildings. And of course, in StarEdit you could do a lot more stuff.... You can obtain a copy of this scum at . You also email me at and I will send you a copy.